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Accent Reduction

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Will faking a plummy 
accent serve you well?

Accent Reduction

Making our accent intelligible

Some accents are better received than others and many people believe a regional accent reflects a person’s social standing.
 Elocution can give the confident, honeyed, mellifluous tones of a voice that will 'open doors' like no other training can. Faking it is the start of the process to your new natural voice. Even if  one is caught out occasionally with the odd place name or idiom, this is part of the fun of the whole process.

Received Pronunciation continues to be prominent in many walks of life including corporate boardrooms, legal professions and Parliament. Politicians often take coaching lessons to modify their speech to appeal to their electorate or peers. The most notable example is former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who changed the way she spoke to add resonance and widen her appeal to the electorate.
Whether born in the UK or abroad, learning English as a second language, mellowing an accent or polishing the delivery, the UK Speech Academy’s tutors can make your accent more understandable and better received. Fine tuning the way you speak in this way can be a great way to boost your personal and professional development.

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